Information about developing your septic system.
Septic systems allow people in rural areas to dispose of their household sewage in a manner that protects human health and the environment. A system that works properly will deliver wastewater to the surrounding soil where it will be cleaned by the natural soils organisms before it is returned to the groundwater table.
A septic system consists of two or three major parts:
Septic tank is used to collect waste from your house the size and materials can vary from 1000 gallons for pump up chamber to 30,000 gallons for a commercial facility. In general a home from 1-4 bedrooms will required a 1500 gallon tank.
A standard tank has two chambers for the separation and settling of the waste prior to disposal.
Leaching area – after the tank the waste is delivered by gravity or pump to the leach field. This is the most sensitive part of your septic system.
Treatment system – this is often needed if your property has challenges and is often called Enhanced Treatment or ET or Alternative wastewater system.
If properly designed and maintained, a sewage disposal system can easily last for 25 to 40 years.
Please see the "Septic System Users Manual" in the Information and Forms Section.