Things you should be aware of when owning a septic system.
Monitor your leach field inspection risers.
Make sure they open both lids and pump both sides.
Maintain a record of the pumping, permits and repairs.
Do not dispose of hazardous materials into your system.
Divert water from your septic system, including roof drains and surface water from driveways or hillsides.
Practice water conservation – repair fixtures. Don’t run your washing all on one day, spread out during the week.
Pump your tank every 5- to 10 years or more often if you have an Enhanced treatment system.
Don’t drive over any part of your leach field.
Don’t use your expansion area for construction or grade it.
Don’t believe flushable wipes are flushable. They are not biodegradable.
Don’t put these household products into your system: dental floss, diapers, cotton swabs, coffee grounds, paper towels, feminine produces or condoms.
Don’t put hazardous chemicals into your system: cigarette butts, cat litter, bleach, hair dyes, drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, oils, paints or pesticides.
Don’t use caustic drain openers for a clogged drain. Use boiling water or a drain snake.